A re-imagination of theological education & Bible Study for visual learners
Visualizing Word Relationships
One of the hardest parts of Bible study & theological study is the analyzing of word relationships. Visualizing Word Relationships is a tool that combines grammar & semantics, word meaning in context. Use this tool as you study the Scripture to visually see word relationships. It can also be used in any Biblical language, historical creed, confession, or catechism & any modern language.
Covenant Theology
What is Covenant Theology? Is it Biblical? Does Covenant Theology reject a literal plain interpretation of the Word of God? How do the covenants relate to God, to Biblical Framework & to salvation history? Am I in covenant with God? For answers to these questions & much more, click on the pic to begin to learn about the covenants visually!
The LORD is my Shepherd
Psalm 23 is considered to be the greatest & most encouraging psalm ever written. Although it was written by King David, everyone rightly & immediately applies it to their own journey. Click on the pic to begin learning about the incredible assurances that Psalm 23 & the great shepherd gives us.
What are the fundamental theological truths concerning our salvation? What is the Biblical basis for these terms? How do we explain these terms? Click on the button to begin learning visually!
A Thanksgiving Confession
What is a thanksgiving confession? What ought we to be thankful for? How does our thanksgiving relate to God & his covenants with mankind? Learn a Thanksgiving Confession. Confess it this Thanksgiving season & anytime. Click on the pic to begin learning visually.
Visual Bible Confessions
Did you know that there are confessions & prayers in the Bible which we are commanded to believe & confess? What are they? What do they teach? How do you teach them easily to your children? Click on our logo to begin learning visually!
Visualizing the Prophets
The OT prophetic books can be hard to understand because we approach them with 21st century expectations. This is especially true when we read them from a systematic theological perspective. In contrast, the prophets spoke truth using incredible visual images. Learn to read & to understand the prophets as they were meant to be understood. Apply their teaching to daily life. Click on the pic to begin learning visually.
Word of God Catechism
What is our purpose? What is the Word of God? How does it relate to the Bible? What is the Bible’s Big Story? How do we read the Bible? Check out our simple, fundamental statements on the Word of God. Learn them. Live them. Teach your children. Click on the logo to begin learning visually!